The goal of the AOPC is to plan, monitor and promote the atmospheric component of GCOS. Its specific Terms of Reference are as follows:
1. To maintain and periodically review the list of GCOS Atmospheric Essential Climate Variables;
2. To liaise with relevant stakeholder bodies in order to determine and maintain the requirements for data to monitor, understand and predict the dynamical, physical and chemical state of the atmosphere and its interfaces on climate relevant time scales, on both global and regional levels;
3. To advocate for the establishment, re-establishment and maintenance of integrated observing systems to provide long-term, high-quality, consistent data and information to meet those requirements according GCOS monitoring principles;
4. To propose and promote the establishment of new systems, or enhancements to current systems and practices, to address identified deficiencies;
5. To review the current state and identify gaps and inadequacies of the atmospheric component of the global observing system;
6. To promote the maintenance of sustainable long-term observation networks and the use of best practices;
7. To promote the rehabilitation of relevant historical data sets;
8. To promote and review institutional arrangements to ensure that climate data and observations are:
• Of the highest quality based on agreed metrics;
• Collected in accordance with the highest standards of practice;
• Archived and accessible to the user community.
9. To instigate the establishment of working groups and other initiatives for pursuing AOPC goals;
10. To coordinate activities with the other GCOS panels, and to liaise with WCRP steering groups and other relevant entities, such as WMO Commissions, CGMS, CEOS and space agencies on atmospheric climate observing system issues;
11. Respond to assignments from the GCOS Steering Committee;
12. To report regularly to the GCOS Steering Committee and the Joint Scientific Committee of WCRP.