Anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas Emissions
Data sources
Human Use of Natural Resources
Scientific Area:
ECV Steward:
Greet Maenhout
Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions from Fossil Fuel Use, Industry, Agriculture, Waste and Products Use; Anthropogenic CH4 Emissions from Fossil Fuel, Waste, Agriculture, Industrial Processes and Fuel Use; Anthropogenic N2O Emissions from Fossil Fuel Use, Industry, Agriculture, Waste and Products Use, Indirect from N-Related Emissions/Depositions; Anthropogenic F-Gas Emissions from Industrial Processes and Product Use; Total Estimated Fluxes by Coupled Data Assimilation/ Models with Observed Atmospheric Composition – National; Total Estimated Fluxes by Coupled Data Assimilation/ Models with Observed Atmospheric Composition – Continental; Anthropogenic CO2 Emissions/Removals by Land Categories; High-Resolution Footprint Around Point Sources