Figure: Global N2O (nmol kg–1) distribution in 200 m depth estimated using depth/AOUR-depending N2O production rates (a) and using temperature/AOUR-depending N2O production rates (AOUR = apparent oxygen uitilization rate) (b). (a,b) White areas in the Arabian Sea represent concentrations exceeding 40 nmol kg–1. Annual N2O production (μmol m–2 yr–1) via nitrification integrated over the water column estimated using (c) depth/AOUR relationship and (d) temperature/AOUR relationship. Reference: Freing, A., Wallace, D. W. R., and Bange, H. W. (2012): Global oceanic production of nitrous oxide, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B-Biological Sciences, 367, 1245-1255, 10.1098/rstb.2011.0360. |