
Information on changes in lake level and area is required on a monthly basis for climate assessment purposes. Approximately 95% of the volume of water held globally in approximately 4 000 000 lakes is contained in the world’s 80 largest lakes.

ECV Products and Requirements

These products and requirements reflect the Implementation Plan 2022 (GCOS-244).

The requirements are found in the complete 2022 ECVs Requirements document as well: ECV Lakes.

Products Lake Water Level (LWL)  Lake Water Extent (LWE)Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance
 (*)UnitValues UnitValuesValues
Horizontal ResolutionGm- m1010
B- 30100
T100 10001000
Vertical ResolutionG -  --
B- --
T- --
Temporal ResolutionGd1 d5<1
B30  1
T365 303-30
TimelinessGd1 d51
B30  30
T365 365365
Required Measurement Uncertainty (2-sigma)Gcm5 %510
B   20
T10  30
StabilityGcm/decade1 %/decade50.1
B   0.5
T10  1
Products  Lake Surface Water Temperature (LSWT)  Lake Ice Cover (LIC)  Lake Ice Thickness (LIT)
 (*)UnitValues UnitValues UnitValues
Horizontal ResolutionGkm0.1 m50 m50
B1 100 1000
T2 1000 10000
Vertical ResolutionG -  -  -
B- - -
T- - -
Temporal ResolutionGh3 d< 1 d1
B24 1 30
T240 3-7 365
TimelinessGd1 d1 d1
B30   30
T365 365 365
Required Measurement Uncertainty (2-sigma)G°C0.1 %1 cm1
B0.3   10
T0.6 10 15
StabilityG°C/decade0.1 %0.1 cm1
T0.25 1 10

(*) Goal (G): an ideal requirement above which further improvements are not necessary. Breakthrough (B): an intermediate level between threshold and goal which, if achieved, would result in a significant improvement for the targeted application. The breakthrough value may also indicate the level at which specified uses within climate monitoring become possible. It may be appropriate to have different breakthrough values for different uses. Threshold (T): the minimum requirement to be met to ensure that data are useful.

Data sources

This list provides sources for openly accessible data sets with worldwide coverage for which metadata is available. It is curated by the respective GCOS ECV Steward(s). The list does not claim to be complete. Anyone with a suitable dataset who wishes it to be added to this list should contact the GCOS Secretariat.

Scientific Area:
ECV Steward:
Jean-Francois Cretaux
Lake Water Level; Water Extent; Lake Surface Water Temperature; Lake Ice Thickness; Lake Ice Cover; Lake Water-Leaving Reflectance