Land Cover

Land cover is the observed (bio)-physical cover on the Earth’s surface. It influences climate by modifying water and energy exchanges with the atmosphere and by changing greenhouse gas and aerosol sources and sinks. Land-cover conditions are inherently dynamic (i.e. seasonality) and distributions are linked to regional climatic conditions, so changes in cover can be due to climate change on a regional scale as well as directly due to human activities.

Global Land Cover

Figure: Global land cover data for the year 2015 (

Legend and interactive map under:

ECV Products and Requirements

These products and requirements reflect the Implementation Plan 2022 (GCOS-244).

The requirements are found in the complete 2022 ECVs Requirements document as well: ECV Land Cover.

Products Land CoverMaps of High-Resolution Land Cover  Maps of Key IPCC Land Classes, Related Changes and Land Management Types
 (*)UnitValuesValues UnitValues
Horizontal ResolutionGm100-300<10 m/degree10-300
B300-1 km10-30 300-1000
T>1 km30-100 1000 - 1 degree
Vertical ResolutionG --  -
B-- -
T-- -
Temporal ResolutionGmonth11 month1
B1212 12
T6060 60
TimelinessGmonth33 month1
B1212 12
T6060 60
Temporal Extent
(Time span)
GY>5030-50 Y>100
B10-5010-30 50
T0 (one time only)0 (one time only) 30
Required Measurement Uncertainty (2-sigma)G% for accuracy and errors of omission and commission and hectares for area estimates incl. 95 % confidence intervals55 % for accuracy and errors of omission and commission and hectares for area estimates incl. 95 % confidence intervals5
B2020 15
T3535 25
StabilityG% incl. 95 %
confidence intervals
55 % incl. 95 %
confidence intervals
B1515 15
T2525 25


(*) Goal (G): an ideal requirement above which further improvements are not necessary. Breakthrough (B): an intermediate level between threshold and goal which, if achieved, would result in a significant improvement for the targeted application. The breakthrough value may also indicate the level at which specified uses within climate monitoring become possible. It may be appropriate to have different breakthrough values for different uses. Threshold (T): the minimum requirement to be met to ensure that data are useful.

Data sources

This list provides sources for openly accessible data sets with worldwide coverage for which metadata is available. It is curated by the respective GCOS ECV Steward(s). The list does not claim to be complete. Anyone with a suitable dataset who wishes it to be added to this list should contact the GCOS Secretariat.

Land cover
Scientific Area:
ECV Steward:
Matieu Henry
Land cover; Maps of High-Resolution Land Cover; Maps of Key IPCC Land Classes, Related Changes and Land Management Types