Systematic Observations Under UNFCCC

GCOS is reporting under UNFCCC Workstream “Systematic Observations”.
United Nations Climate Change logo featuring the blue outlined emblem with the "CC" acronym encircled by laurel branches, and plain black text reading "United Nations Climate Change.

GCOS' Mandate for Systematic Observations under the UNFCCC:

This information paper provides an easy-access informal compilation of relevant mandates on systematic observation. It provides, in chronological order, all relevant decisions of the conference of the Parties (COP); and conclusions adopted by the COP, the Subsidiary Body for Scientific and Technological Advice (SBSTA) and the Subsidiary Body for Implementation (SBI).


A timeline illustrating the cycles of assessments, reports, and guidance under the Convention, including GCOS, CEOS, IPCC activities, and decision points from 2006 to 2028.
Systematic Observation under the Convention: The ongoing cycles of assessments, reports and guidance
Flowchart depicting the connection between climate systems, observation, research, assessment, and policy development, highlighting organizations like IPCC, WCRP, and COP/CMAs.