
GCOS NumberTitleMeeting Short Titlee-version available
GCOS-265Third Meeting of the GCOS Surface Reference Network Task Team (TT-GSRN-3), Xi'an, China, 14-18 October 2024TT-GSRN-3Y
GCOS-264Report of the 29th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, Asheville, NC, United States, 17-20 September 2024AOPC-29Y
GCOS-263Report of the 31st Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC Steering Committee for GCOS, 2-5 July 2024, WMO Hq, Geneva, SwitzerlandGCOS SC-31Y
GCOS-262Report of the 15th GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-15), Meteoswiss, Bern, Switzerland
11-15 March 2024
GCOS-261Report of the Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC Steering Committee for GCOS, 23 January 2024
GCOS-260Report of the Seventh Session of the Lead Centres for GCOS (CBS) Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland,  7-9 November 2023LC-GCOS-(CBS)-7Y
GCOS-259Second GSRN Task Team, Turin, Italy, 25-29 September 23GSRN-TT-2Y
GCOS-258Joint GCOS/WCRP Workshop on Earth’s energy, water and carbon cycles and budgets, Paris, France, 22-23 June 2023WCRP Report no. 11/2023 and GCOS-258Y
GCOS-257Report of the 24th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, Bonn, Germany, 26-30 June 2023TOPC-24
GCOS-256Report of the 26th Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, Bonn, Germany, 26-30 June 2023OOPC-26
GCOS-255Report of  the 28th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, Bonn, Germany,26-30 June 2023AOPC-28
GCOS-254Report of the 3rd GCOS Joint Panels Meeting, Bonn, Germany,26-30 June 2023GCOS-JPM-3Y
GCOS-253GRUAN Implementation Plan 2024-2030GRUAN-IP-4 
GCOS-252Report of the 30th Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC Steering Committee for GCOS, 7-8 December 2022
(WCRP 2/2023)
Report of the 25th Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC-25), 20-21 October 2022, Darmstadt, GermanyOOPC-25 
GCOS-250Report of the 14th GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-14), Université de La Réunion
Saint Denis, Réunion Island, 28 November – 2 December 2022
GCOS-249Report of the 2nd GCOS Climate Observation Conference, Darmstadt, Germany, 17-19 October 2022GCOS-COC-2 
GCOS-248Report of the 27th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-27), Dublin, Ireland,AOPC-27
GCOS-247First GSRN Task Team, Dublin, Ireland, 21-24 June 22 (Hybrid session) - ReportGSRN-TT-1 
GCOS-246GCOS Joint Study Group - Final Report  
GCOS-245The 2022 ECV Requirements  
GCOS-244The 2022 GCOS Implementation Plan  
GCOS-243Report of the twenty-ninth session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC Steering Committee for GCOS, 7-9 December 2021
GCOS-242Report of the Thirteenth GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-13), 15-19 November 2021 VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19GRUAN ICM-13 
GCOS-241Report of the 26th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-26), Part 1: 19, 20 and 23 April 2021 and Part 2: 1-3 December 2021 - VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19AOPC-26
GCOS-240The Global Climate Observing System 2021: The GCOS Status Report Y
GCOS-239The Global Climate Observing System 2021:  Executive Summary  of the GCOS Status Report Y
GCOS-238GCOS Joint Panels Meeting Second Session - VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19GCOS-JPM-2y
GCOS-237Report of the Twelfth GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-12), 16-20 November 2020 VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19GRUAN ICM-12Y
GCOS-236Report of the twenty-eight session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC steering committee for GCOS, 24-26 November 2020
GCOS-2359th Session of the GTN-H Panel, Koblenz, Germany, 25-27 September 2019GTN-H-9Y
NO GCOS number allocated22nd Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), 7-11 September 2020 - VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19TOPC-22 
Report of the 25th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-25), 21-23 April 2020 - VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19AOPC-25
(WCRP 4/2020)
Report of the 23rd Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC-23), 5 May 2020 - VIRTUAL SESSION DUE TO COVID-19OOPC-23 
GCOS-232Report of the twenty-seventh session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ISC steering committee for GCOS, Paris, France, 28-31 October 2019GCOS SC-27Y
GCOS-231WMO GCOS/WIGOS Caribbean Workshop on Observations for Climate and Meteorology, Belize City, Belize, 10-12 July 2019  
GCOS-230Report of the Eleventh GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-11), Singapore, 20-24 May 2019GRUAN ICM-11Y
GCOS-229Plan for Improving Observations around Lake Victoria that support Numerical Weather Predictions, Climate Services and Adaptation, Entebbe, Uganda, 31 Oct 18-2 Nov 18 Y
GCOS Joint Panels Meeting, Marrakesh, Morocco, 18-22 March 2019GCOS-JPM-1Y
GCOS-227Lightning for Climate (DRAFT)
A Study by the Task Team on Lightning Observation
For Climate Applications (TT-LOCA)
Of the Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate

GCOS-226GCOS Surface
Reference Network (GSRN): Justification,
requirements, siting and instrumentation options
GCOS-225WMO/GCOS Report of the Sixth Session of the CBS Lead Centres for GCOS Coordination Meeting, Asheville, United States, 11-13 September 2018CBS-LC-GCOS-6 Meeting ReportY
GCOS-224Report of the Twenty-Sixth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Helsinki, Finland, 23-26 October 2018GCOS SC-26Y
GCOS-223Weather radar data requirements for climate monitoringRadar_TTY
GCOS-222Systematic Observations and the Paris Agreement - Report of the Task Team on the Paris AgreementVersion 2.0 - July 2018Y
GCOS-221Report of the GCOS AOPC Task Team for weather radar data requirements for climate monitoringTT-Radar Requirements 
GCOS-220Report of the Tenth GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-10), Potsdam, Germany, 23-27 April 2018GRUAN ICM-10Y
20th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Geneva, Switzerland, 19-21 March 2018TOPC-20Y
Report of the 23rd Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-23), Darmstadt, Germany, 6-9 March 2018AOPC-23
Report of the 21st Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC-21), Mar del Plata, Argentina, 13-16 March 2018OOPC-21
GCOS-2168th Session of the GTN-H Panel, Koblenz, Germany, 20-21 June 2017GTN-H-8Y
GCOS-215Report from 1st meeting of the Task Team GCOS Upper-air Network (TT-GUAN-1), Lindenberg, Germany, 5-6 December 2017TT-GUAN-1Y
GCOS-214Report of the 1st meeting of the GCOS Surface Reference Network (GSRN) Task Team, Maynooth, Ireland, 1-3 November 2017TT-GSRN-1Y
GCOS-213Report of the 1st meeting of the GCOS/CCL Task Team on Lightning Observations for Climate Applications (TT-LOCA-1), Greenbelt, Maryland, United States, 5-7 February 2018
GCOS-212Report of the 1st meeting of  the GCOS/CCL Task Team on the use of weather radar for climate studies, FMI, Helsinki, Finland, 30-31 August 2017Radar for Climate TTY
GCOS-211Report of the Ninth GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-9, Helsinki, Finland, 12-16 June 2017GRUAN ICM-9Y
GCOS-210Report of the Twenty-Fifth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Hangzhou, China, 26-29 September 2017GCOS SC-25Y
GCOS-20919th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Vienna, Austria, 5-7 April 2017TOPC-19Y
Report of the Twentieth Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Cape Cod, USA, 14-17 March 2017OOPC-20
GCOS-207bisWay Forward in Using Radar Data for Climate Monitoring 
28 February 2017
Report of the 22nd Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-22), Exeter, UK, 27-31 March 2017AOPC-22
GCOS-206Indicators on Climate Change Y
GCOS-205GRUAN Implementation Plan 2017-2021, February 2017GRUAN-IP-3Y
GCOS-204Report of the Twenty-Fourth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 3-6 October 2016GCOS SC-24Y
GCOS-203WMO/GCOS Report of the Fifth Session of the CBS Lead Centres for GCOS Coordination Meeting, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 7-9 September 2016CBS-LC-GCOS-5 Meeting ReportY
GCOS-20218th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Boulder, USA, 25-27 April 2016TOPC-18Y
GCOS-201Report of the Nineteenth Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Esporles, Spain, 6-8 April 2016OOPC-19Y
GCOS-200GCOS Implementation Plan 2016 Y
GCOS-199Report of the 21th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC-21) Asheville NC, United States, 5-8 April 2016AOPC-21Y
GCOS-198Report of the Seventh GCOS Reference Upper Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-7, February 2015GRUAN ICM-7Y
GCOS-197Minutes of the working Meeting for GCOS Reference Upper Air Network (GRUAN), Geneva, Switzerland, 18 November 2015 Y
GCOS-196Report of the Twenty-Third Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Simon’s Town, South Africa, 29 September-1st October 2015GCOS SC-23Y
GCOS-195Status of the Global Observing System for Climate - Full Report Y
GCOS-194Status of the Global Observing System for Climate: Executive Summary Y
GCOS-191GCOS Workshop on Enhancing Observation to Support Preparedness and Adaptation in a Changing Climate - Learning from the IPCC 5th Assessment Report. Bonn, Germany, 10-12 February 2015 Y
GCOS-19020th Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 17-20 March. 2015AOPC-20Y
GCOS-18917th Session of the GCOS/GTOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate WSL, Birmensdorf, Switzerland, 16-18 March. 2015TOPC-17Y
GCOS-188Report of the Twenty-Second Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Geneva, Switzerland, 1-3 October 2014GCOS SC-22Y
GCOS-187Report of the Seventeenth Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Barcelona, Spain, 21-23 July 2014OOPC-17Y
GCOS-186Summary Report of the Ninth Session of the GCOS Cooperation Mechanism Board, Bonn, Germany, 3 June 2014 Y
GCOS-185Report of the joint GCOS/GOFC-GOLD Workshop on Observations for Climate Change Mitigation, Geneva, Switzerland, 5-7 May 2014 Y
GCOS-184Report of the Tropical Pacific Observation System 2020 (TPOS 2020) Workshop, Vol.1 - Workshop report and recommendations, Vol.2 - White papers, La Jolla , United States, 27-30 January 2014 Y
GCOS-183Summary Report and Recommendations from the Nineteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC), Ispra, Italy , 9-11 April 2014AOPC-19Y
GCOS-182Workshop on the review of the GCOS Surface Network (GSN), GCOS Upper-Air Network (GUAN), and related atmospheric networks, Ispra, Italy, April 2014 Y
GCOS-181 BisGCOS Programme Review - Full Report, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2014 (not on the Web) Y but not on the Web
GCOS-181GCOS Programme Review - Synthesis Report, Geneva, Switzerland, March 2014 Y
GCOS-180Report of the Sixth GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-6), Greenbelt, USA, 10-14 March 2014GRUAN ICM-6Y
GCOS-179Summary Report of the Sixteenth Session of the GTOS/GCOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Ispra, Italy , 10-11 March 2014TOPC-16Y
GCOS-178Scoping Meeting for the Assessment of the Adequacy of the Global Observing System for Climate, Geneva, Switzerland, 12-13 December 2013 Y
GCOS-177WMO/GCOS Report of the Fourth Session of the CBS Lead Centres for GCOS Coordination, Santiago, Chile, 8-10 October 2013 Y
GCOS-176Report of the Twenty-First Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Offenbach, Germany, 22-24 October 2013GCOS SC-21Y
GCOS-175GTN-H 6th SessionGTN-H-6Y
GCOS-174 (WCRP24/2013)Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN) - Update of the Technical Plan for BSRN Data Management Y
GCOS-173Summary Report of the Sixteenth Session of the GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), Washington DC, United States, 3-5 September 2013OOPC-16Y
GCOS-171The GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) GUIDE WIGOS Technical Report No. 2013-03 Y
GCOS-170The GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) MANUAL
WIGOS Technical Report No. 2013-02
GCOS-169Summary Report and Recommendations from the Eighteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC), Geneva, Switzerland , 2-5 April 2013AOPC-18Y
GCOS-168Summary Report of the Fifteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Geneva, Switzerland, 6-7 March 2013TOPC-15Y
GCOS-167Report of the Fifth GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-5), De Bilt, the Netherlands, 25 February - 1 March 2013GRUAN ICM-5Y
GCOS-166GCOS Workshop on Observations for Adaptation to Climate Variability and Change, Offenbach, Germany, 26–28 February 2013 Y
GCOS-165GRUAN Implementation Plan 2013-2017 - June 2013GRUAN-IP-2Y
GCOS-164Report of the Twentieth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Geneva, Switzerland, September 2012GCOS SC-20Y
GCOS-163Report of the Eighth GCOS Cooperation Mechanism Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 3 September 2012 Y
GCOS-162Report of the 5th Global Terrestrial Network for Hydrology (GTN-H) Coordination Panel Meeting, Tokyo, Japan, 12-13 March 2011GTN-H-5Y
GCOS-161Report of the Fourth GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-4), Tokyo, Japan, 5-9 March 2012GRUAN ICM-4Y
GCOS-160Assessment of the Status and Needs for Climate Observations in South America 2003-2011, February 2012 Y
GCOS-159Report from the Strategy Meeting for the Implementation of the Global Climate Observing System in South America, Guayaquil, Ecuador, 13-15 March 2012 Y
GCOS-158Summary Report and Recommendations from the Seventeenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC), Geneva, Switzerland , 1-3 May 2012AOPC-17Y
GCOS-157Summary Report of the Fourteenth Session of the GTOS/GCOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Geneva, Switzerland , 1-2 March 2012TOPC-14Y
GCOS-156Report from the Third Coordination Meeting of CBS Leads Centres for GCOS, Hamburg, Germany, 11-13 October 2011 Y
GCOS-155Report from the WIGOS Pilot Project Meeting on GRUAN Observing Practices and Governance, Geneva, Switzerland, 25-27 January 2012 Y
GCOS-154Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-based Products for Climate Supplemental details to the satellite-based component of the Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC - 2011 Update, December 2011 Y
GCOS-153Report of the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel (WOAP) Workshop on Evaluation of Satellite-Related Global Climate Datasets, Frascati, Italy, 18-20 April 2011 Y
GCOS-152Report of the Nineteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Reading, UK, 20-23 September 2011GCOS SC-19Y
GCOS-151Report of the Seventh GCOS Cooperation Mechanism Board Meeting, Reading, UK, 19 September 2011 Y
GCOS-150Report of the Twelfth Session of the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS GE XII), Paris, France, 9-11 November 2011GLOSS GE-12Y
GCOS-149Report of the Third GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-3), Queenstown, New Zealand, 28 February -4 March 2011GRUAN ICM-3Y
GCOS-148Summary Report and Recommendations from the Sixteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC), Geneva, Switzerland , 7-11 February 2011AOPC-16Y
GCOS-147Summary Report of the Thirteenth Session of the GTOS/GCOS/WCRP Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Geneva, Switzerland , 10-11 March 2011TOPC-13Y
GCOS-146Report of the Sixth GCOS Cooperation Mechanism Board Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 27 September 2010 Y
GCOS-145Report of the Eighteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Geneva, 28 September-1 October 2010GCOS SC-18Y
GCOS-144Guide to the GCOS Surface Network (GSN) and GCOS Upper-Air Network (GUAN) (2010 Update of GCOS-73) Y
GCOS-143Guideline for the Generation of Datasets and Products Meeting GCOS Requirements, May 2010 Y
GCOS-142Report from the Fourth Meeting of the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel (WOAP), Hamburg, Germany, 29-31 March 2010 Y
GCOS-141Summary Report of the Twelfth Session of the GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Rome, Italy, 10-11 March 2010TOPC-12Y
GCOS-140Report of the Second GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-2), Payerne, Switzerland, 2-4 March 2010GRUAN ICM-2Y
GCOS-139IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), 11th Session, Paris, France, 13-15 May 2009IOC GLOSS-11Y
GCOS-138 (GOOS-184, GTOS-76)Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC (2010 Update), August 2010 Y
GCOS-137Report of the Seventeenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Paris, France, 27-30 October 2009GCOS SC-17Y
GCOS-136GCOS Annual Report 2008-2009, December 2009 Y
GCOS-135Report of the Fourth GTN-H Coordination Panel Meeting, New York City, New York, USA, 7-10 July 2009GTN-H-4Y
GCOS-134GRUAN Implementation Plan 2009-2013 - July 2009GRUAN-IP-1Y
GCOS-133Summary Report of the Eleventh Session of the GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), Ispra, Italy , 29-30 Oct 2008TOPC-11Y
GCOS-132Fifteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Conclusions and Recommendations, Geneva, Switzerland , 27-30 April 2009AOPC-15Y
GCOS-131Report of the First GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation and Coordination Meeting (GRUAN ICM-1), Norman, Oklahoma, USA, 2-4 March 2009GRUAN ICM-1Y
GCOS-130Synthesis of National Reports on Systematic Observation for Climate - August, 2009 Y
GCOS-129Progress Report on the Implementation of the Global Observing System for Climate in support of the UNFCCC 2004-2008 - August, 2009 Y
GCOS-128Guideline for the Generation of Satellite-based Datasets and Products meeting GCOS Requirements, March 2009 Y
GCOS-127Practical Help for Compiling CLIMAT Reports
Conseil Pratique pour l'Établissement des Messages CLIMAT
Практическая помощь в составлении сводок CLIMAT
Ayuda práctica para la compilación de informes CLIMAT
GCOS-126GCOS Annual Report 2007-2008, 19 December 2008 Y
GCOS-125Report from the Third Meeting of the WCRP Observation and Assimilation Panel (WOAP), Boulder, USA, 29 Sept - 1 Oct 2008 Y
GCOS-124Report of the Sixteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS, Geneva, Switzerland, 14-17 October 2008GCOS SC-16Y
GCOS-123Report of the Fourth Meeting of the GCOS Cooperation Board, Bonn, Germany, 12 June 2008 Y
GCOS-122Fourteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Conclusions and Recommendations, Geneva, Switzerland , 21-25 April 2008AOPC-14Y
GCOS-121Report of the GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network Implementation Meeting, Lindenberg, Germany, 26-28 February 2008 Y
GCOS-120Report of the Tenth Session of the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Paris, France, 6−8 June 2007IOC GLOSS-10Y
GCOS-119Report of the Implementation Strategy Meeting for Central America and the Caribbean, Belize City, 28-30 January 2008 Y
GCOS-118Summary Report of the Tenth Session of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observing Panel for Climate, Rome, Italy, 15-16 November 2007TOPC-10Y
GCOS-117Future Climate Change Research and Observations: GCOS, WCRP and IGBP Learning from the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report - Workshop and Survey Report, Sydney, Australia, 4-6 October 2007 Y
GCOS-116Report of the Fifteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Paris, France, 16-19 October 2007GCOS SC-15Y
GCOS-115Report of the 3rd GTN-H Coordination Panel Meeting - Koblenz, Germany, 17-19 September 2007GTN-H-3Y
GCOS-114Thirteenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Consolidated List of Conclusions, Recommendations and Action Items Geneva, Switzerland, 23-27 April 2007AOPC-13Y
GCOS-113Report of the Third Meeting of the GCOS Cooperation Board - Geneva, Switzerland, 27 April 2007 Y
GCOS-112GCOS Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN): Justification, requirements, siting and instrumentation options - April 2007 Y
GCOS-111BFinal Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop Programme - August 2006 Y
GCOS-111Summary Report of the Ninth Session of the GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC) - Ispra, Italy, 28-29 March 2006TOPC-9Y
GCOS-110Report of the Eleventh Session of the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Tokyo, Japan, 16-20 May 2006OOPC-11Y
GCOS-109Report of the Fourteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Geneva, Switzerland, 10-12 October 2006GCOS SC-14Y
GCOS-108Climate Information for Development Needs: An Action Plan for Africa - November 2006 Y
GCOS-107Systematic Observation Requirements for Satellite-based Products for Climate Supplemental details to the satellite-based component of the Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC - September 2006 Y
GCOS-106Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for the Mediterranean Basin on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Marrakech, Morocco, 22-24 November 2006 Y
GCOS-105Conclusions from the Twelfth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 3-7 April 2006AOPC-12Y
GCOS-104Report of the Tenth Session of the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 9-12 May 2005OOPC-10Y
GCOS-103Summary Report of the Thirteenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 5-7 October 2005GCOS SC-13Y
GCOS-102Conclusions from the Eleventh Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 11-15 April 2005AOPC-11Y
GCOS-101Report of the 2nd Meeting of the GTN-H Coordination Panel - Koblenz, Germany, 4-5 July 2005GTN-H-2Y
GCOS-100Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for Eastern and Central Europe on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Leipzig, Germany, 26-28 April 2005 Y
GCOS-99IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Ninth Session - 24-25 February 2005IOC GLOSS-9Y
GCOS-98Progress with the initial ocean climate observing system: A report to the UNFCCC - April, 2005 Y
GCOS-97Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for South and Southwest Asia on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - New Delhi, India, 11-13 October 2004 Y
GCOS-96Analysis of Data Exchange Problems in Global Atmospheric and Hydrological Networks - February, 2005 Y
GCOS-95Report of the Ninth Session of the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Southampton, UK, 7-10 June 2004OOPC-9Y
GCOS-94Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for Central Asia on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Almaty, Kazakhstan, 24-26 May 2004 Y
GCOS-93Summary Report of the Eighth Session of the GTOS/GCOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate - Ispra, Italy, 6-7 April 2004TOPC-9Y
GCOS-92 (ES)Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC - Executive Summary - October, 2004 Y
GCOS-92Implementation Plan for the Global Observing System for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC - October, 2004 Y
GCOS-91bisConclusions from the Tenth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 19-23 April 2004AOPC-10Y
GCOS-91Summary Report of the Twelfth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Geneva, Switzerland, 15-19 March 2004GCOS SC-12Y
GCOS-90bisReport of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), seventh session - Rome, Italy, 16-18 December 2003TOPC-7Y
GCOS-90IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS), Eighth Session - Paris, France, 13 and 16-17 October 2003IOC GLOSS-8Y
GCOS-89Report of the Eighth Session of the Joint GCOS-GOOS-WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Ottawa, Canada, 3-6 September 2003OOPC-8Y
GCOS-88Conclusions from the Ninth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Asheville, NC, USA, 23-27 June 2003AOPC-9Y
GCOS-87Summary Report of the Eleventh Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Melbourne, Australia, 7 - 10 April 2003GCOS SC-11Y
GCOS-86Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for South America on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Santiago, Chile, 14 - 16 October 2003 Y
GCOS-85Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for Western and Central Africa on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Niamey, Niger, 27 - 29 March 2003 Y
GCOS-84Report of the GCOS/GTOS/HWRP Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Studies - Toronto, Canada, 18 - 20 November 2002 Y
GCOS-83Report of the GTN-H Coordination Panel Meeting - Toronto, Canada, 21 - 22 November 2002GTN-HY
GCOS-82Second Report on the Adequacy of the Global Observing Systems for Climate in Support of the UNFCCC - April, 2003 Y
GCOS-81Report of the Seventh Session of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Kiel, Germany, 5 - 8 June 2002OOPC-7Y
GCOS-80Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for East and Southeast Asia on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Singapore, 16 - 18 September 2002 Y
GCOS-79GCOS Interim Report to the UNFCCC SBSTA-16 - Bonn, Germany, 5 - 14 June 2002 Y
GCOS-78Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for Central America and the Caribbean - San Jose, Costa Rica, 19 - 21 March 2002 Y
GCOS-77Report of International Workshop for Review of the Tropical Moored Buoy Network - Seattle, USA, 10 - 12 September 2001 Y
GCOS-76Report of the Eighth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Wokingham, UK, 20 - 24 May 2002AOPC-8Y
GCOS-75Report of the Tenth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Farnham, UK, 15 - 19 April 2002GCOS SC-10Y
GCOS-74Report of the GCOS Regional Workshop for Eastern and Southern Africa on Improving Observing Systems for Climate - Kisumu, Kenya, 3 - 5 October 2001 Y
GCOS-73Guide to the GCOS Surface and Upper-Air Networks: GSN and GUAN - (Version 1.1) Y
GCOS-72Report of the Seventh Session of the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea-Level Observing System (GLOSS) - Honolulu, Hawaii 26 - 27 April 2001IOC GLOSS-7Y
GCOS-71Report of the GCOS/GTOS/HWRP Expert Meeting on the Implementation of a Global Terrestrial Network - Hydrology (GTN-H) - Koblenz, Germany, 21 - 22 June 2001GTN-HY
GCOS-70Report of the Sixth Session of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Melbourne, Australia, 2 - 5 April 2001OOPC-6Y
GCOS-69Report of the Fifth Session of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) - Bergen, Norway, 20 - 23 June 2000OOPC-5Y
GCOS-68Report of the Seventh Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 30 April - 3 May 2001AOPC-7Y
GCOS-67GCOS Implementation Strategy: Implementing GCOS in the New Millennium - June 2001 Y
GCOS-66TAO Implementation Panel, Ninth Session - Perth, Australia, 16-17 November 2000 Y
GCOS-65Conclusions of the Sixth Session of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC) - Geneva, Switzerland, 10-13 April 2000AOPC-6Y
GCOS-64TAO Implementation Panel, Eighth Session - St. Raphael, France, 15 October 1999 Y
GCOS-63Establishment of a Global Hydrological Observation Network for Climate - Report of the GCOS/GTOS/HWRP Expert Meeting, Geisenheim, Germany, 26-30 June 2000 Y
GCOS-62Report of the Pacific Islands Regional Implementation Workshop on Improving Global Climate Observing Systems - Apia, Samoa, 14-15 August 2000 Y
GCOS-61Report of the Ninth Session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Beijing, China, 12-14 September 2000GCOS SC-9Y
GCOS-60GCOS/GOOS/GTOS Joint Data and Information Management Plan, Version 1.0, May 2000 Y
GCOS-59Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate (TOPC), fifth session - Birmingham, UK, July 27-30, 1999TOPC-5Y
GCOS-58Report of the 6th Session of the IOC Group of Experts on the Global Sea Level Observing System (GLOSS)IOC GLOSS-6Y
GCOS-57Report of the OOPC/AOPC Workshop on Global Sea Surface Temperature Data Sets - Palisades, NY, USA, November 2-4, 1998OOPC/AOPC JOINTY
GCOS-56Report of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WRCP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), fourth session - Woods Hole, MA, USA, May 17, 1999OOPC-4Y
GCOS-55Report of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate (AOPC), fifth session - Silver Spring, MD, USA, April 20-23, 1999AOPC-5Y
GCOS-54Report of the eighth session of the WMO-IOC-UNEP-ICSU Steering Committee for GCOS - Geneva, Switzerland, February 8-12, 1999GCOS SC-8Y
GCOS-53GCOS Surface Network (GSN) Monitoring Centre Implementation Meeting - Offenbach, Germany, January 19-20, 1999 Y
GCOS-52TAO Implementation Panel, 7th Session - Abidjan, Ivory Coast, November 11-13, 1998 SCAN
GCOS-51Global Ocean Observations for GOOS/GCOS: An Action Plan for Existing Bodies and Mechanisms SCAN
GCOS-50Implementation of Global Ocean Observations for GOOS/GCOS, second session - Paris, France, November 30, 1998 SCAN
GCOS-49Implementation of Global Ocean Observations for GOOS/GCOS, first session - Sydney, Australia, March 4-7, 1998 SCAN
GCOS-48Report on the Adequacy of the Global Climate Observing Systems - United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, November 2-13 1998, Buenos Aires, Argentina SCAN
GCOS-47Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel, fourth session - College Park, Maryland, USA, October 22-23, 1998 SCAN
GCOS-46Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, fourth session - Corvallis, USA, May 26-29, 1998TOPC-4SCAN
GCOS-45Report of the Joint Meeting of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate and the GCOS/GOOS/GTOS Joint Data and Information Management Panel, fourth session - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, April 28-May 1, 1998AOPC-4SCAN
GCOS-44Report of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC), third session - Grasse, France, April 6-8, 1998OOPC-3SCAN
GCOS-43bInternational Sea Level Workshop - Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, June 10-11, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-43aTAO Implementation Panel, sixth session - Reading, U.K., November 4-6, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-42Report of the seventh session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Eindhoven, The Netherlands, September 22-26, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-41Report of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate (OOPC) Ocean Climate Time-Series Workshop - Baltimore MD, USA, March 18-20, 1997OOPC-3SCAN
GCOS-40Report of the GCOS/WCRP Atmospheric Observation Panel for Climate, third session - Reading, UK, August 19-22, 1997AOPC-3SCAN
GCOS-39Report of the GCOS/GOOS/GTOS Joint Data and Information Management Panel, third session - Tokyo, Japan, July 15-18, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-38Report of the Meeting of Experts on Ecological Networks - Guernica, Spain, June 17-20, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-37Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel, third session - Paris, France, May 27-30, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-36Report of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, second session - Cape Town, South Africa, February 11-13, 1997OOPC-2SCAN
GCOS-35Report of the second Joint CCl/CBS Meeting on the GCOS Surface Network - De Bilt, The Netherlands, June 25-27, 1997 SCAN
GCOS-34Initial Selection of a GCOS Surface Network - February 1997 SCAN
GCOS-33GHOST - Global Hierarchical Observing Strategy - March 1997 SCAN
GCOS-32GCOS/GTOS Plan for Terrestrial Climate-related Observations, version 2.0 - June 1997TOPCSCAN
GCOS-31Proceedings of the fifth meeting of the TAO Implementation Panel (TIP-5) - Goa, India, November 18-21, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-30Report of the sixth session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, October 28-November 1, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-29Report of the Global Observing Systems Space Panel, second session - Geneva, Switzerland, October 16-18, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-28In Situ Observations for the Global Observing Systems - Geneva, Switzerland, September 10-13, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-27Report of the Expert Meeting on Hydrological Data for Global Observing Systems - Geneva, Switzerland, April 29-May 1, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-26Report of the Joint CCl/CBS Expert Meeting on the GCOS Surface Network - Norwich, UK, March 25-27, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-25Report of the GCOS Data and Information Management Panel, second session - Ottawa, Ontario, Canada, May 14-17, 1996 SCAN
GCOS-24Report of the Joint GCOS/GOOS/WCRP Ocean Observations Panel for Climate, first session - Miami, Florida, USA, March 25-27, 1996OOPC-1SCAN
GCOS-23Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel for Climate, third session - Cape Town, South Africa, March 19-22, 1996TOPC-3SCAN
GCOS-22Report of the fifth session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Hakone, Japan, October 16-19, 1995 SCAN
GCOS-21GCOS/GTOS Plan for Terrestrial Climate-related Observations, version 1.0 - November 1995 SCAN
GCOS-20GCOS Observation Programme for Atmospheric Constituents: Background, Status and Action Plan - September 1995 SCAN
GCOS-19Report of the GCOS Data Centre Implementation/Co-ordination Meeting - Offenbach, Germany, June 27-29, 1995 SCAN
GCOS-18Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel, second session - London, UK, April 19-21, 1995TOPC-2SCAN
GCOS-17Report of the GCOS Atmospheric Observation Panel, second session - Tokyo, Japan, March 20-23, 1995AOPC-2SCAN
GCOS-16GCOS Guide to Satellite Instruments for Climate - June 1995 SCAN
GCOS-15GCOS Plan for Space-based Observations, Version 1.0 - June 1995 SCAN
GCOS-14Plan for the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS), Version 1.0 - May 1995 SCAN
GCOS-13GCOS Data and Information Management Plan, Version 1.0 - April 1995 SCAN
GCOS-12The Socio-economic Benefits of Climate Forecasts: Literature Review and Recommendations - (Report prepared by the GCOS Working Group on Socio-economic Benefits) April 1995 SCAN
GCOS-11Report of the GCOS Data and Information Management Panel, first session - Washington DC, USA, February 7-10, 1995 SCAN
GCOS-10Summary of the GCOS Plan, Version 1.0 - April 1995 SCAN
GCOS-9Report of the GCOS Working Group on Socio-economic Benefits, first session - Washington DC, USA, August 1-3, 1994 SCAN
GCOS-8Report of the GCOS/GTOS Terrestrial Observation Panel, first session - Arlington, VA, USA, June 28-30, 1994TOPC-1SCAN
GCOS-7Report of the GCOS Space-based Observation Task Group - Darmstadt, Germany, May 3-6, 1994 SCAN
GCOS-6Report of the GCOS Atmospheric Observation Panel, first session - Hamburg, Germany, April 25-28, 1994AOPC-1SCAN
GCOS-5Report of the GCOS Data System Task Group - Offenbach,Germany, March 22-25, 1994 SCAN
GCOS-4Report of the fourth session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Hamburg, Germany, September 19-22, 1994 SCAN
GCOS-3Report of the third session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Abingdon, UK, November 1-3,1993 SCAN
GCOS-2Report of the second session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Washington DC, USA, January 11-14, 1993 SCAN
GCOS-1Report of the first session of the Joint Scientific and Technical Committee for GCOS - Geneva, Switzerland, April 13-15 1992 SCAN