GCOS Network Accreditation

Weather station in a snow-dusted open field, with bare trees in the background under a clear blue sky.
There are 3 designations of network: GCOS Network, GCOS Affiliated Network and GCOS Recognized Network. 

Network Oversight


GCOS Network
Logo of the Global Climate Observing System with a globe icon and the text "Part of the Global Climate Observing System, a GCOS Network.

GCOS, oversight by GCOS Network Manager of GCOS panels

Annually to GCOS, represented at GCOS Meetings

GCOS Affiliated Network
Logo with a globe icon. Text reads: "Part of the Global Climate Observing System, a GCOS Affiliated Network.

Oversight exists but is not GCOS

e.g. OCG for ocean networks or this is part of the network as in the GTN.

GCOS Recognized Network
Logo for the Global Climate Observing System, featuring a stylized globe with text: "Part of the Global Climate Observing System, a GCOS Recognized Network.

Annual report available but no direct reporting to GCOS 

Information about the recognition process and the needed form is available for download: GCOS Network Accreditation.

To apply for the formal accreditation as a GCOS Network, please complete the proforma and send it to:

  • ctassoneatwmo [dot] int (ctassone[at]wmo[dot]int) for atmosphere networks;
  • bmartinmiguezatwmo [dot] int (bmartinmiguez[at]wmo[dot]int) for oceanic networks;
  • abombelliatwmo [dot] int (abombelli[at]wmo[dot]int) for terrestrial networks.

The following networks are already accredited: 



(Accreditation date: 01/09/2022)

Certificate for BSRN recognizing completion of the GCOS accreditation process, with signatures and logos from relevant organizations, dated 1st September 2022.