There are 3 designations of network: GCOS Network, GCOS Affiliated Network and GCOS Recognized Network.
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| GCOS, oversight by GCOS Network Manager of GCOS panels | Annually to GCOS, represented at GCOS Meetings |
| Oversight exists but is not GCOS e.g. OCG for ocean networks or this is part of the network as in the GTN. |
| Annual report available but no direct reporting to GCOS |
Information about the recognition process and the needed form is available for download: GCOS Network Accreditation.
To apply for the formal accreditation as a GCOS Network, please complete the proforma and send it to:
- ctassonewmo [dot] int (ctassone[at]wmo[dot]int) for atmosphere networks;
- bmartinmiguezwmo [dot] int (bmartinmiguez[at]wmo[dot]int) for oceanic networks;
- abombelliwmo [dot] int (abombelli[at]wmo[dot]int) for terrestrial networks.
The following networks are already accredited:
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(Accreditation date: 01/09/2022) | |