GSRN Task Team
GCOS has been working since 2015 on establishing a GCOS Surface Reference Network (GSRN). A paper in the International Journal of Communication (IJOC), (Thorne et al., 2018) provides the scientific rationale. In 2017, a task team was established to scope a potential GCOS Surface Reference Network. The team produced the report GCOS-226, that provides a proposal for the establishment of a GCOS Surface Reference Network, with the support of the GCOS programme, relevant programmes at WMO and the Bureau International des Poids et Mesures (BIPM) and outlines the next steps required for the implementation of a GSRN.
Based on the recommendation listed in GCOS-226, the Task Team GCOS Surface Reference Network (TT-GSRN) was established by the president of the Commission for Observation, Infrastructure and Information Systems (INFCOM), with concurrence of the Commission, through Decision 5 (INFCOM-1).
The TT-GSRN is responsible of the initial implementation of the GSRN and will undertake the necessary activities to instigate the network. It works under the leadership of the GCOS Steering Committee and the INFCOM Standing Committee on Earth Observing Systems and Monitoring Networks (SC-ON), in close collaboration with the Standing Committee on Measurements, Instrumentation and Traceability (SC-MINT).
The first meeting of the GSRN Task Team was held on the 23rd of March 2021, the second one from 25 to 29 September in Turin, Italy; and the third session will be held in Xi' An, China from 14 to 18 October 2024.
- Terms of Reference of the Task Team.
- Membership of the Task Team: The membership consists of two co-chairs, one nominated and agreed by GCOS and the other by SC-MINT; experts selected for their skills and ex-officio members representing the former CCl, AOPC, BIPM, GRUAN, GSN, and HMEI.
No. | Representative | Name | Gender | Organization |
1 | Co-Chair TT-GSRN, SC-ON, GCOS | Sarah Gallagher | F | Met Éireann, Ireland |
2 | Co-Chair TT-GSRN, SC-MINT | Tilman Holfelder | M | Deutscher Wetterdienst (DWD, Germany) |
3 | TT-GSRN Member | Elian Augusto Wolfram | M | Servicio Meteorológico Nacional (SMN), Argentina |
4 | TT-GSRN Member | Howard Diamond | M | National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), USA |
5 | TT-GSRN Member | Sergey Chicherin | M | Voeikov Main Geophysical Observatory, Russia |
6 | TT-GSRN Member | Xiaolan Wang | F | Environment and Climate Change Canada (ECCC) |
7 | GCOS Secretariat | Caterina Tassone | F | WMO, Geneva |
8 | JET EOSDE (Joint Expert Team on Earth Observing System Design and Evolution) | Seiyoung Park | F | Korea Meteorological Administration (KMA) |
9 | SC-MINT | Jitze van der Meulen | M | KNMI, The Netherlands |
10 | GSN (GCOS Surface Network) | Tim Oakley | M | WMO, Geneva |
11 | HMEI (Hydro-Meteorological Equipment Industry) | Foeke Kuik | M | Campbell Scientific, Inc, The Netherlands |
12 | CCI (“Climatological reference stations: definitions and requirements”) | Andrea Merlone | M | INRiM (Instituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica), Italy |
13 | CCI (“Climatological reference stations: definitions and requirements”) | Andrew Harper | M | NIWA (National Institute of Water and Atmospheric Research Ltd.), New Zealand |
14 | Director of the lead centre (once it has been constituted) | Jianxia Guo | F | China Meteorological Administration (CMA) |
15 | Lead Centre | Liu Yiming | M | China Meteorological Administration (CMA) |